When the SH*T Hits the Fan, Call Dan!

For at least 10 years, I’ve been writing blog posts and articles about how to manage your money, how to be proactive, so people can hopefully avoid disaster in their financial life. Sometimes, things can get away from even the most diligent people! Then, the
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Attorneys – I am Your Bankruptcy Resource!

  I have been practicing law for over 30 years, almost all of them in Bankruptcy Court. Over this time, I have advised clients in a wide range of issues.  I have represented Debtors, Creditors, and Trustees. All parts of the system.   Over these
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Successfully Completed Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Cases!

Lately, many of my clients have been completing their Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plans and getting Discharge Orders.  This is a HUGE accomplishment!  Chapter 13 is a 3 to 5 year Court-supervised plan where individuals pay their debt back in whole or in part. Creditors are
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It’s Alive! Revival of Judgments in Illinois

Just when you thought that old debt was dead, old Court Judgments can come back to haunt you!  Now that Courts in Illinois are up and running, debt collectors are looking for opportunities to get some “found money” from debts that are very old.  The
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Student Loans- Will there Be Big Changes in 2022?

During the first year of the new administration, Student Loans have been on the top of Congress’ and the White House’s minds.  Here is a summary of what has happened so far, and what might be next: The Pause on payments and interest is extended
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Evictions, Foreclosures and Covid, Oh My!

The big Covid Financial news is that the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC)’s eviction moratorium ended on July 31st.  The CDC moratorium became a safety net for many, and overrode many state laws.  If you are a renter, and you are behind in your
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Bankruptcy is Just Filling Out Some Forms, Right?

Nothing could be further from the truth! My job as a Bankruptcy Attorney is to help clients understand the process, and how to navigate all of the complexities of Bankruptcy Law. My job is also to educate the public about common misconceptions of the Bankruptcy
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