Archives for Bankruptcy Alphabet

The Risks of Delaying Bankruptcy: What Can You Lose?

Financial difficulties can be overwhelming, and the decision to file for bankruptcy is never an easy one. However, delaying this decision can often lead to more problems. This post aims to shed light on the potential issues that debtors may face if they postpone filing
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Should the Small Business or the Owner File for Bankruptcy?

This is a question that comes up frequently in my practice.  A person owns a closely-held business, with one or two owners, usually a Husband and Wife.  They call, explaining that the business cannot pay its suppliers, lenders, landlords, lines of credit.  They ask “Can
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Sophisticated Fraud Ensnares More Unsuspecting People

A new, disturbing trend is emerging today.  In 2022, the FBI reported that $10 Billion was lost to online fraud, according to CNN. It’s not just the usual types of fraud you think of, such as ransomware (where a fraudster takes over your computer and
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Is a Bankruptcy Lawyer a Financial Advisor? Yes!

Most people think that they don’t have enough money to hire a financial advisor. That’s only for rich people!  In reality, there are professional financial advisors ready to help people at all income levels.  For advisors that pick stocks and mutual funds, some get paid
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What I do Well

What I do Well In the process of rewriting my bio for my newly redesigned website,, I reflected on exactly what I do well as an attorney in practice for 30 years. This update reflects the philosophy behind my practice. Being a practicing attorney
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Z is for Zero in the Bankruptcy Alphabet

Z is for Zero! Nothing Owed! We finally made it to the end of the bankruptcy alphabet, Z! Z stands for Zero. Zero is what you end up owing on certain of your debts in bankruptcy. If you qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, unsecured debts
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