Normally, for consumer bankruptcy lawyers and their clients, things proceed pretty smoothly. And, the how the cases go through the system are predictable. Congress only seems to pay attention to bankruptcy about every 10 years or so. And, major court decisions don’t usually get appealed
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What is Your Goal? We Can Help You Score it!
With the Stanley Cup Playoffs in full swing, more eyes have been on the NHL. And, living in Chicago, the Blackhawks are contenders again. In hockey, there isn’t a lot of scoring, but when there is a goal, it is very exciting! I am an
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Spot the Credit Repair Scams! Don’t Fall for them!
Your credit score is very important. A credit score helps banks and other lenders determine whether you can borrow money to buy a house or a car, and, what interest rate you get when you borrow money. One percentage point difference on a mortgage for
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Can I Buy Another House after Bankruptcy and Foreclosure? Yes You Can!
Back in 2008-9, when the foreclosure crisis started, foreclosures soared. People lost their houses after losing jobs and not being able to afford their mortgage payments. People then, forced to file for bankruptcy protection, asked me: will I be able to buy a house again?
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What to do if You are Served with Foreclosure Papers- Is all Hope Lost? No!
If your mortgage has been in foreclosure recently, no doubt you have heard of programs such as MHA (Making Home Affordable), HAMP, HARP, (Home Affordable Modification or Refinance Programs) and others in the alphabet soup of programs that the Federal government created in response to
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Money Management Tips for Business Owners
Every business owner, from the “Mom & Pop” restaurant to the Franchise Owner has to wear many “hats”. The most important “hat” to wear is that of the Chief Financial Officer. Even if you are just a sole proprietor, you have to keep your finances
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Credit Unions- Angels or Devils?
For many people, their local credit union is their savior. People can join credit unions because of where they work, or if they served in the U.S. Military, or for other reasons. Credit Unions offer many advantages, such as lower interest rates, and personal service.
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An Inspiring Story: Homeless to Hopeful, and Financially Stable
So many people are living paycheck-to-paycheck, it is easy to just make a generalization that it is just plain expensive to make ends meet and to live and support a family. If you are living paycheck-to-paycheck, you might as well just throw up your hands,
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Women and Money– Don’t be Left in the Dark!
A large percentage of my clients are single women. And, many of the women have very little knowledge about their own finances. There are many reasons for their lack of knowledge. Sometimes, if they were married before, their husband “took care of” all the finances.
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What Credit Score Do You Need to Buy A House?
When most people think of financial success, they think of having a nice house, a reliable car and a good job to be able to pay for those things. So after years or working, and renting, people start thinking of moving up to the next
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