Why Payday Loans? You’re out of money for the week, your car breaks down, and you’ve maxed out on credit, and tapped out for loans from friends or family. What do you do? You just need money until your next paycheck. All too often millions
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Archives for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
BankruptcyLawChicago’s New Palos Heights Office to Serve Chicago’s South Suburbs!
Over the almost 20 years I’ve been running my own firm, my goal has been to serve the client first and foremost. I opened the Law Offices of Daniel J. Winter in 1999, as a Bankruptcy and Debt Relief firm primarily. Headquarters, the Original office,
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When people come to see me with debt problems, they are under enormous stress. You’ve already tried everything. Very few people are anxious to “throw in the towel” and just file for Bankruptcy. I talk with people who have tried for years, decades sometimes, to
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What is an Adversary Complaint in a Bankruptcy Case?
What is an Adversary Complaint in Bankruptcy? When a person files a Bankruptcy case, every company or person they owe is notified. In order to eliminate a debt, it’s only fair that those people or companies get a chance to find out that the person
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Bankruptcy is Your Personal Safety Net
In the 25 plus years that I have been counseling and advising people with debt, almost nobody has come into my office saying that they wanted to file bankruptcy, or that he or she was excited to file for bankruptcy protection. Bankruptcy is an extreme
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How Long Does a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case Last and How Does it Work?
This is a common question. If you have to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, you want the process completed quickly. The short answer is that from the filing of the case to discharge (completion and elimination of debts) is approximately 4 months. We will make it
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