Archives for More About Daniel Winter and BankruptcyLawChicago

What Do Lawyers Do for You?

Most people hope that they never have to use a lawyer, ever. If you watch late-night TV, or listen to stand-up comedians, and that’s all you knew, you wouldn’t want to either. And I’m just talking about the jokes! Late-night TV is also filled with
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What Flavor is Your Financial Situation?

Summer is here, and if you want to cool off, you think of ice cream.  What flavor do you pick?  Vanilla?  Chocolate? Rocky Road?  Think about your financial situation  the same way.  Is everyone’s situation plain vanilla, or does the person’s situation come with chips,
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Bankruptcy Law Chicago—On the Move!

The big day is here—and I’m not talking about the Super Bowl!  Bankruptcy Law Chicago’s main downtown office is moving!  We aren’t moving across town, or even down the street… We are moving down the hall.  Now, why am I writing about this, not a
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Legal Guide to Bankruptcy Attorneys’ Fees in Illinois

In times where people are in financial trouble, and looking for a lawyer, they, understandably, are concerned about how much a bankruptcy case will cost. This guide will explain generally, what to expect when you see an attorney for bankruptcy . This applies to Bankruptcy
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Have Financial or Legal Questions? We’ll answer them!

There are so many websites which claim to help answer your legal questions. We have a firm that concentrates our practice on personal and small business finances, bankruptcy, and foreclosure defense. With over 20 years of legal experience, we can answer many of the questions
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Employers Supporting Military Families—an Important Job!

Today, more and more, members of the US National Guard and Reserves are being called to duty to serve our country. And, with that commitment, employers are being called on to help the members of the military and their families. The ESGR (Employer Support of
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