Consumers—What to Look for in 2017

So, finally, the election is over.  We can stop the endless focus on politics.  Well, maybe not, but we can turn our attention to next year.  What does the crystal ball look like?  What can consumers, you and me, expect next year?  Rising interest rates
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What to Do if you are Underwater on Your Car Loan

More and more, people are “underwater” on their auto loans. This means that they owe much more on the loan than the car or truck is worth. In reality, if you buy a new car especially, you’ll be “upside down” the minute you drive the
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Clients’ Choice Award for 2016 – 2nd Year in a Row!

I am proud to announce that I have been awarded’s Client’s Choice Award for 2016. This is the 2nd year in a row that I have earned this important award.  In 2015, also awarded me the Client’s Choice Award. is a neutral
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Got Sued? How to Fight it.

As an attorney, I’m used to seeing court papers such as summonses and complaints every day.  But, for almost everyone else, seeing court papers sets off alarms that say “What’s this all about?” or “I don’t understand this!”, or “I don’t want to go to
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Big Changes for Applications for FASFA College Aid Applications!

If you are a parent of a college student, future college student, or a student yourself, listen up!  There are big changes ahead!  Starting with the 2017-2018 School Year, the FASFA (Free Application for Student Financial Aid) can be filed starting October 1, 2016, and
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Upcoming 7th Circuit Consumer Bankruptcy Seminar in Chicago October 10th.

In October, I look forward to joining Bankruptcy Judges, attorneys, and other Consumer Bankruptcy professionals at the Hon. Eugene Wedoff Consumer Bankruptcy Seminar, to be held on Columbus day, October 10th.  This conference, from the American Bankruptcy Institute, is a worthwhile opportunity to hear recent developments
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A Lawyer Who Listens–What’s Your Story?

When people call an attorney, they don’t think of themselves as “a case”, or a “fact-pattern”, or a potential client.  I don’t think of clients that way.  I want to hear their story. People call when they need help with a problem.  That problem is
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Fixing Your Money Problems – Makes You Stronger!

Today, rather than write a typical article on money strategies, like, “Why Having an Emergency Fund is Important”, or  “How to Save Money Every Day”, or “Don’t Buy a Car You Can’t Afford”, I’m going to explain why having money problems is not only normal,
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