The ride share boom from Uber, Lyft and other app services is the latest industry disrupter to strike in the U.S. The taxi industry in Chicago has been hit especially hard. In order to drive a licensed taxi in the City of Chicago, the taxi
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Equifax Credit Breach– How to Protect Yourself
This is huge news! Why? Because Equifax stores data on all Americans: your Social Security Number, address, date of birth, and more. Equifax is one of 3 major credit bureaus that stores this data. You may not have dealt with them, or heard of this
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New Credit Rules—Judgments and Tax Liens Gone– But Not to be Forgotten!
In July of 2017, the credit agencies announced a huge new change. From now on, most new judgments from court proceedings will NOT appear on credit reports. There are new requirements for more personally-identifying information to ensure that they are correct. Also, tax liens may
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You can Get a Mortgage to Pay off Student Loans! Great?! Not So Fast!
So you got out of college with a boatload of debt, like most students. And, you have a mixture of Federal and Private Student Loans. Studies have shown that recent college grads are putting off buying homes because of the huge student debt obligations. So,
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Entrepreneur Bankruptcy — Not a Failure
I’ve written blog articles about warning signs for business owners, and what to look for, when things get tough. Most business owners don’t look for signs that things are getting tough. They dig in, and keep going. Why? In reality, business owners are, at heart,
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What is the Fastest Growing Age Group with Student Loan Debt? Seniors!
Yes you read that right! Because college costs have risen so high, parents have had to stretch their loans so long that they are running deep into their retirement years. The fastest growing group of Student Loan debtors are over 60. This is delaying retirement,
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Help for Students and Families is Here:
Announcing our new website, a resource for students. This is a resource for students at all phases of the college process. We explain the steps to student loan success, from the college application process, to the loan process, to the repayment process. With the cost
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HAMP is in the Hamper, Now What?
The clumsy program, the Home Affordable Modification Program, created in 2009 by the Obama administration, known as HAMP, is now over, as is that administration. Back in 2009, the government, in a nod to help ease the struggling homeowners, created this program to try to
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Listen to My Radio Interview-Aging Well in Chicago
It’s a pleasure when I can get the word out, and give practical advice on the financial challenges of middle age and beyond. When Jeff Bechar of ComforCare Chicago reached out to interview me for his new weekly radio show, “Aging Well in Chicago”, I
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A Bankruptcy Attorney’s Skills- Enough to be a Foreign Ambassador?!
Even though I am writing this about Donald Trump’s pick to be the next U.S. Ambassador to Israel, I will not talk about politics at all. Why? This is to explain the skills that bankruptcy attorneys have, and why those skills can help people solve
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