When most business owners think of Bankruptcy, they are thinking that is the option of last resort, when everything is going “down the tubes” so to speak. But, in reality, Bankruptcy offers many ways to reorganize debts and save the business. The main way that
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Evictions, Foreclosures and Covid, Oh My!
The big Covid Financial news is that the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC)’s eviction moratorium ended on July 31st. The CDC moratorium became a safety net for many, and overrode many state laws. If you are a renter, and you are behind in your
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Bankruptcy is Just Filling Out Some Forms, Right?
Nothing could be further from the truth! My job as a Bankruptcy Attorney is to help clients understand the process, and how to navigate all of the complexities of Bankruptcy Law. My job is also to educate the public about common misconceptions of the Bankruptcy
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American Rescue Plan Act – What’s in it for YOU?
On March 11, 2021, the President signed the American Rescue Plan Act. So, you ask, how does it help me, the average consumer? Will you be rescued? Stimulus payments By now, you should have gotten $1400.00 for each adult, and each child in your house.
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Third Stimulus Check—Protected from Collectors or Not?
Many of us will be getting the third “stimulus” check from the US Treasury as a part of the American Rescue Plan Act signed by the President on March 10th. People who qualify (those who earn less than $75,000.00 for singles and $150,000 for married
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Is a Bankruptcy Lawyer a Financial Advisor? Yes!
Most people think that they don’t have enough money to hire a financial advisor. That’s only for rich people! In reality, there are professional financial advisors ready to help people at all income levels. For advisors that pick stocks and mutual funds, some get paid
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What I do Well
What I do Well In the process of rewriting my bio for my newly redesigned website, BankruptcyLawChicago.com, I reflected on exactly what I do well as an attorney in practice for 30 years. This update reflects the philosophy behind my practice. Being a practicing attorney
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Pandemic Financial Check Up Time!
Time for Your Pandemic Money Checkup! Since March, we’ve been told so many things. Stay home, don’t work, and only go out for necessities. Then, try to work from home. Then, go back to work and have your kids in school online, but keep them
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The Calm Before the Bankruptcy Storm
We Are Here to Help You Weather the Storm! With 5 months of the Pandemic behind us in the US, millions of jobs lost, mortgage and rent payments missed, many are wondering, where’s the Tsunami of Bankruptcy filings? In fact, compared to 2019, Bankruptcy filings
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Federal or Private Student Loans? Know the Difference!
Here’s my latest video – FEDERAL VS PRIVATE STUDENT LOANS! BE CAREFUL! Click below: We’re here to help you. Know what’s best for you and your family! Daniel J. Winter For more information-contact us here: http://StudentLoanLawChicago.com djw@Dwinterlaw.com
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