Warning! Danger! Loan Sharks Online!

Remember the good old days when, if you needed money, you’d go to your local banker?  Like in the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, you’d go to the corner Savings and Loan, and borrow money from the Baileys to buy a home, and for whatever
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If I File Bankruptcy, Should I Feel Guilty?

A while back, I wrote an article titled, “Is it Morally Wrong to file Bankruptcy?”   This is a question that many people wrestle with. Take a look at this blog on My Daily Finance “Should I file Bankruptcy? If I do, Should I feel
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How to Beat the Holiday Season Money Blues

Another holiday season is here, and with it come all of the ads for those fancy new phones, toys (adult and kid varieties) jewelry, and cars.  It looks like our country has lost track of what the word “holiday” means.  A holiday, in earlier times,
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Don’t Slip Up! Injuries and Bankruptcy Cases

These are topics that most people don’t think about (or don’t want to think about!)—what happens if you are injured and have an injury case going on, or a claim against someone for an injury before, or after a bankruptcy case is filed? For most
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Insult to Injury– Scammers Targeting Bankruptcy Filers!

People who owe money to debt collectors are “easy pickings” for scam artists.  People end up owing many different companies, who sell their debt to other collectors. So, naturally, by the time they start getting collection calls, it is hard to tell what debt each
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Award Season For Lawyers- The Clients’ Choice Award for 2015!

In the 20-plus years I’ve been an attorney, there have been many changes to how clients find an attorney, and how attorneys find their clients.  Back when I started in practice, there were a few companies that rated attorneys.  Those companies mostly focused on the
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Debt—A Four Letter Word! *&$#!

I recently wrote a blog article, “Do You Love or Hate Money?”, and this subject, Debt is also something In the modern world, we can’t barter to  get our food. We need to earn money, to buy enough goods, services, or housing to live a
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Do You Love or Hate Money?

After writing for at least 4 years on financial issues of all kinds, including mortgages, college loans, and bankruptcy, I figure people sometimes are tired of reading about how to “manage” your money, how to save money, or how to deal with mortgages or college
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How the Bankruptcy Laws Helped Donald Trump Stay Rich

We have all heard Donald Trump talk, a lot, during this Republican presidential campaign, and, in the debates, many of his challengers, and the debate moderators, criticized him about his four bankruptcies.  Yes, 4 bankruptcies!  Take a look at this article, that shows a few
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