Archives for Bankruptcy Alphabet

Bankruptcy Alphabet – U is for Unsecured Debt

The next letter in the bankruptcy alphabet, U, stands for unsecured debt. Unsecured debt is any debt that someone owes for bills where no collateral was pledged. What does that mean? I can tell you what is not an unsecured loan to explain. Examples of
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Bankruptcy Alphabet—T is for Tax Refunds

The T in the Bankruptcy Alphabet stands for Tax Refunds. For so many people, a tax refund is their reward, or “found money” at the beginning of the year. It makes sense, because if you aren’t saving money throughout the year, and you get a
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S in the Bankruptcy Alphabet is for Smile!

In the bankruptcy alphabet, S is for the smile of relief that you get during the Bankruptcy process.  People may think that bankruptcy is not a “happy” area of law, or a light-hearted process for the clients.  But, if it is done right, bankruptcy can
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Bankruptcy Alphabet – R is for Real Estate

The R in the Bankruptcy Alphabet stands for Real Estate.  Real estate is important for many reasons.  For consumers, their home is their real estate, which is usually their single-most expensive purchase they make in their lives.  And, people want to know always, whether they
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Bankruptcy Alphabet- Q is for Quit Claim Deed

The next letter in the Bankruptcy Alphabet is Q, which stands for Quit Claim deed.  Many of my clients who call to ask about this refer mistakenly to it as a “Quick Deed”.  I’m assuming that they heard something about this method of transferring property,
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P is for Priority Tax Debt

The next letter in the Bankruptcy alphabet is P, and that represents Priority Tax debt.  What is priority?  That it is better than every other debt?  No, priority is a term of art in Bankruptcy, which refers to the order which creditors get paid.  What is
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