You Lose Everything in Bankruptcy, Right? Wrong!

Bankruptcy is the “game over” of your financial life, so people say.  You will lose everything!  You will lose your house, your car, and never be able to get credit again!   Have you heard these things? They are all WRONG! In fact, Bankruptcy is more
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No Cookie-Cutter Cases!

In many consumer bankruptcy law firms, the overriding idea is to get as many people to “sign up” as possible.  And, with that approach, the bigger bankruptcy firms, especially in large metro areas, become “bankruptcy mills”.   The attorneys are mostly young, and the firms advertise
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How Can Rap Star “50 Cent” be in Bankruptcy?

None of us “regular people” can relate to the amount of money that rapper 50 Cent (Curtis James Jackson III) makes on his songs, concerts and CDs.  If he makes so much money singing, and endorsing products, why is he in bankruptcy? In July, he
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Bankruptcy Relief- Your Tax-Free Lunch!

Have you heard of the saying, “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch”?.  Well, in the case of bankruptcy debt relief, there is! If you file bankruptcy, your debt is eliminated.  So, you have to pay tax on the debt you got rid
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When do Debts Fall Off My Credit Report?

This is a common question.  Many people who fall behind in paying their bills end up having a long credit history full of unpaid debts that just won’t “go away”.   Or, a business owner may have a lingering debt from the past, and hopes it
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Hello Old Debt– Why does it Stay, Just a Little Bit Longer?

How long does bad credit history stay on your credit report?  There’s a short answer and a long answer. The short answer is most negative information, such as Judgments, collection accounts, paid tax liens, and late payments, can stay on your credit report for 7
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Will Winning the Lottery Fix Your Money Problems?

We have seen “Lotto Fever”. Millions of Americans plunking down their hard-earned money for over 1.5 Billion Dollars, or a share of that, before taxes. And, we do that in the hopes of solving our money problems, and being “set for life”!!! Did you buy
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