There are many strategies on how to deal with Student Loans in Bankruptcy. One of them is to try to file an Adversary Complaint to try to discharge the loans, based on the “undue hardship” standard. (the “Bruner” standard) Courts have had varying interpretations, and,
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Archives for Student Loan News and Information
The Current Status of the SAVE Student Loan Program Amidst Pending Lawsuits
Here at, we have been helping people get into the best possible Income Driven Repayment Plan for their Federal Student Loans, and on the path to getting their loans forgiven. Contact us HERE for more information on YOUR loans. The Saving on a Valuable
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Deadline Extended: Consolidate Federal Student Loans by June 30th
Don’t Miss Out on Loan Forgiveness Opportunities At BankruptcyLawChicago, we keep you up to date on all of the latest ways for you to save money on your Student Loans, and get them forgiven sooner! The Biden-Harris Administration has just announced an extension to the
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How to Take Control of Your Federal Student Loans and Get Them Forgiven!
What is next for Federal Student Loan Borrowers? Repayment is in full swing, and borrowers can get their loans under control and closer to forgiveness than ever before. These plans apply to Federal loans for the student and parents. I am here to help with
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The IDR Waiver: A Game-Changer for Student Loan Forgiveness
Lately, there have been very important developments in the world of Federal Student Loan Repayment Plans. This program was set to expire at the end of 2023, but it has been extended. The IDR Waiver, also known as the IDR Account Adjustment, is a significant
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Empowering Borrowers: The First Month After the Student Loan Payments Resumed
The resumption of student loan payments has been a hot topic in recent months, as many borrowers felt the pressure of the impending restart of their financial obligations. For many, the COVID-19 pandemic brought financial uncertainty and relief in the form of temporary payment pauses.
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Federal Student Loan Pause is Ending-What Happens Next?
For millions of Student Loan Borrowers, it’s been 3 years since they have been required to make payments on their Federal Student Loans. Also, interest and collections were suspended. The U.S. Supreme Court decision on the Biden Student Loan cancellation program is expected by the
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Student Loans and Bankruptcy- New Guidance – Breakthrough or More of the Same?
In order to Discharge a student loan in bankruptcy, the US Bankruptcy Code, Section 523 (a) (8) requires the Debtor to prove that repaying the loan(s) “would impose an undue hardship on the debtor and the debtor’s dependents”. Courts around the country have been left
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You Heard About the Student Loan Forgiveness Program-What Happens Next?
On August 24, 2022, the President launched a new program to forgive up to $20,000.00 in Student Loan Relief to millions of Federal Student Loan Borrowers. Here are some questions and answers about this program, what it will do, what it won’t do, and what
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Student Loans- Will there Be Big Changes in 2022?
During the first year of the new administration, Student Loans have been on the top of Congress’ and the White House’s minds. Here is a summary of what has happened so far, and what might be next: The Pause on payments and interest is extended
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