Archives for Asset protection

Got Sued? How to Fight it.

As an attorney, I’m used to seeing court papers such as summonses and complaints every day.  But, for almost everyone else, seeing court papers sets off alarms that say “What’s this all about?” or “I don’t understand this!”, or “I don’t want to go to
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You Lose Everything in Bankruptcy, Right? Wrong!

Bankruptcy is the “game over” of your financial life, so people say.  You will lose everything!  You will lose your house, your car, and never be able to get credit again!   Have you heard these things? They are all WRONG! In fact, Bankruptcy is more
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Don’t Slip Up! Injuries and Bankruptcy Cases

These are topics that most people don’t think about (or don’t want to think about!)—what happens if you are injured and have an injury case going on, or a claim against someone for an injury before, or after a bankruptcy case is filed? For most
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Save Your Assets- File for Bankruptcy Protection!

This headline doesn’t make sense, does it?  When most people think of bankruptcy, they think of “throwing in the towel” and losing everything.   In many cases, it is just the opposite! Lately, I’ve met more and more senior citizens who run into financial troubles.  It
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Money Management Tips for Business Owners

Every business owner, from the “Mom & Pop” restaurant to the Franchise Owner has to wear many “hats”.  The most important “hat” to wear is that of the Chief Financial Officer.  Even if you are just a sole proprietor, you have to keep your finances
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Entrepreneurs’ Common Money Mistakes to Avoid

Are you a contractor, builder, cabbie, realtor, mortgage broker, beautician, or barber?  Do you run a restaurant or professional practice such as a dental, law or medical office.  Then, you are an entrepreneur.  That’s a fancy word, and, you are working for  yourself, acting as
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Life after Bankruptcy– Estate Planning

The best event of any bankruptcy case is when the Bankruptcy Court issues the Discharge Order. This means that the Bankruptcy case is done, and the debtor has finished it successfully.   In a Chapter 7, that means that all of the unsecured debt is eliminated,
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