Bankruptcy Alphabet- A is for Attorney

This is a series of blog articles about Bankruptcy that will hopefully educate you about important concepts in an interesting and informative way, the Bankruptcy Alphabet.  The first concept is A, for Attorney.  Why is having an attorney- a responsive, knowledgeable Bankruptcy attorney so important?  First of
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Means Test Figures Falling as of November 1, 2011

Fall is not just a time for changing of the seasons, with the leaves falling off of the trees.  It’s also a time that the figures for the State Median incomes change.  When you file for Bankruptcy, you are required to have your attorney fill
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Increase in bankruptcy court fees

According to a National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys email: The Judicial Conference of the United States adopted a new court fee schedule on September 13, which will become effective November 1, 2011. The revenue generated by the fee change will go into the Judiciary’s
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Can I Keep My Workers Compensation in Bankruptcy?

Generally yes, in Illinois.  There are certain rules called exemptions in each state, that allows people who file bankruptcy to protect certain things, like a set amount of equity in houses, cars, and household goods, among other things.  Illinois law allows people to protect settlements
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Top Five Reasons Loan Modifications are so Rarely Given

Top Five Reasons Loan Modifications are so Rarely Given 5..  The banks and lenders don’t care:  The banks will announce in their ads that they are on your side.  They really are not. They are on their side.  They have procedures in place, and a
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How to “Walk Away” from a House in Bankruptcy

We’ve all heard about people just “walking away” from their houses with the way the housing market has been lately. I wrote an article about the pitfalls of the “strategic defaults” so many people have been writing about. If a person decides that the house
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