I have discussed bankruptcy with many clients, young and old. It is hard enough for people to come to the decision that they will file for bankruptcy protection. Harder still is the decision to file for bankruptcy when you are very young. By young, I
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X – Executory Contracts and “Unexpired Leases”- in the Bankruptcy Alphabet
The letter X in the Bankruptcy Alphabet stands for Executory contracts. (I know, it’s a stretch, but how many words begin with X?). An executory contract in bankruptcy language refers to a contract that is signed, and valid, but has not been completed yet. The
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W – What You Need to Bring to an Appointment with a Bankruptcy Attorney
W in the Bankruptcy Alphabet stands for What you need to bring to an appointment. This is very important. When someone calls my office to set up an appointment, I first discuss their situation generally to see if I can help that person. So, when
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Why the Foreclosure Crisis is Still Dragging Us Down
This article is right on point. The president could have done more to try to stop the rising tide of foreclosures. He didn’t, because it was too risky politically. If he had done more and it worked, we may have been in a totally different
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Bankruptcy Alphabet, V – Very Important Things to Tell your Bankruptcy Attorney
The next letter in the Bankruptcy Alphabet, V, stands for Very important things to tell your bankruptcy attorney. This may sound basic, but many people I meet with have no idea what to tell their attorney in preparation for a possible bankruptcy case. First off,
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Bill Collectors Keep Calling Me and They are Being Nasty- What can I do?
Over all the years I’ve been helping my clients solve their debt problems, the most common complaint I’ve heard is that the bill collectors call non-stop and are mean. This is not new. Most people just throw up their hands and figure that the collectors
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Another Sports Star Bankruptcy- Jose Canseco – What do we learn?
In the world of big name stars and sports heros, there are plenty of stories of them filing for bankruptcy. The latest is the former rookie of the year Jose Canseco. It looks like he was “living large” for too long and had some bad
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Bankruptcy Alphabet – U is for Unsecured Debt
The next letter in the bankruptcy alphabet, U, stands for unsecured debt. Unsecured debt is any debt that someone owes for bills where no collateral was pledged. What does that mean? I can tell you what is not an unsecured loan to explain. Examples of
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Learn about New Consumer protection laws in Illinois
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed 2 new laws to help prevent consumer abuse. The first restricts the amounts of costs and penalties and types of home loans, to avoid some of the high-cost, risky, often unfair home loans that borrowers were sold before the home
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An intro to BankruptcyLawChicago
Watch our new video, an introduction to our firm. We can help you with your financial problems, from foreclosure to credit card debt, to business bills. Daniel J. Winter LAW OFFICES OF DANIEL J. WINTER 53 W. Jackson Boulevard Suite 725 Chicago, IL 60604 312-789-9999
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