The next concept in the Bankruptcy Alphabet is Lien. What is a lien? Is it like “lean on me”? or a lean cut of beef? No, the legal term lien refers to a process that a debt collector can go through to be sure someone
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Bankruptcy Alphabet- K is for Keeping your House
The K in the Bankruptcy Alphabet stands for Keeping, as in keeping your house. Most people who file for bankruptcy want to keep their house. Even now, with house prices so much less than the balances owed on mortgages, people ideally want to keep their
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Bankruptcy Alphabet: J is for Jail—as in “ You Won’t go to Jail!”
When people have a legal problem, the thing they fear the most (rightfully!) is going to Jail. Over 100 years ago in England , there were “debtors’ prisons”, back in the time of Charles Dickens. But, in modern American law, debtors’ prisons have been abolished.
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Bankruptcy Alphabet—I is for Intentions
You may ask, what do intentions have to do with Bankruptcy? In every Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, you need to file a “Statement of Intentions” with the court. This statement is to tell the court, and your creditors what you intend on doing with your
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Mortgage Foreclosure Settlement– What is in it for you?
Here is the latest summary of the “big” foreclosure settlement from the foreclosure abuses by the banks, robo-signing documents and creating fraudulent documents: You may be entitled to some money (maybe $2,000.00) if your house was already foreclosed on. If so, you’ll get some forms
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Can a Bankruptcy help me get my Drivers’ License Back?
Can a Bankruptcy help me get my Drivers’ License Back? Your drivers’ license was suspended. Is all hope lost?? NO! In certain situations, a bankruptcy filing will help a person get their drivers’ license back. You can get your license back if it was suspended
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H is for Harrassment (as in Stopping Harrassment!)
H in the Bankruptcy Alphabet stands for Harrassment. One of the big reasons people file bankruptcy is to stop harassing phone calls and letters from companies and people they owe. Once people fall behind in their payments, naturally, the creditors start calling. Not just a
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No Loan Modification for You! Failure of a program.
A great explanation of why the HAMP Program is a failure, and why so few loan modifications are given. The servicers have more incentives to foreclose becausethey get more fees. Call our office to discuss your loan modification. See the article: Daniel J. Winter
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Bankruptcy Alphabet- G is for Garnishment
Many of my colleagues throughout the country participating in the “Alphabet Game” have also thought that in the Bankruptcy Alphabet, G does stand for Garnishment. I, too, think that the concept of Garnishment is important. What is Garnishment, and what can a bankruptcy do do
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Bankruptcy Alphabet: F is for Fresh Start
The purpose of the Bankruptcy Law (Bankruptcy Code in legal language) when it was first created was to give the “honest but unfortunate” debtor (that’s a person who owes another person or company money) a “fresh start”. So, if you run into financial problems,
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