If you are having financial problems, you have a lot of stress in your life. So, how would you go about finding an attorney to help you? There are many ways to find the name of an attorney, such as asking a friend, or looking
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Important Court Ruling Allows Illinois Homeowners to Pay Sold Taxes in Chapter 13
Almost year ago, I wrote about this issue. Homeowners in Illinois who don’t pay real estate taxes on time are given a certain amount of time to pay the taxes. If, at the end of the year, they don’t pay their real estate taxes, the
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New Reports Available- 7 Secrets to a Successful Chapter 7 Case, and 13 Secrets to a Successful Chapter 13
I wrote 2 new reports to help people understand the bankruptcy process better: 7 Secrets to a Sucessful Chapter 7 Case and 13 Secrets to a Successful Chapter 13. Call or email us for your free copy. Here is an excerpt: As an attorney with
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What to do if Bank Won’t take Foreclosed Property Back?
Here is another question: The Bank foreclosed but didn’t take the property and canceled auction on property and started sending me monthly statements. I don’t want the property and told them that, but they told me I can move back in; they stopped paying property
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Is it Worth it to Defend a Debt Collection Case?
Here is another very important question. You think you have some defenses to the collection case brought against you. You want to try to reach a settlement or pay ment plan, but the other side is being unreasonable. Is it worth the time, and money
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House Foreclosure Sale Date Soon! Do I Have Defenses to Foreclosure? Can I stop Foreclosure? I got a Mortgage Settlement.
Here is another very important question: My foreclosure sale date is in January, 2014. What are my defenses to avoid my house from being sold? I am from Illinois. I have not been paying the mortgage for a couple of years now with Bank of
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How Young is Too Young to file Bankruptcy?
Here is another good question: I’m 24, should I file Bankruptcy I have more debt than I can even keep straight. I have a car due for repossession. I have city tickets to pay. There are countless debts. I need to know if it is
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Can creditors go after a veterans disability check?
Here is another great question that came in recently: Can creditors go after a VA disability check? Generally, certain types of income are protected or “exempt” from bill collectors, such as social security and disability payments. Each state’s exemptions are a bit different, In Illinois,
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New Credit Scoring- Help for Borrrowers After Bankruptcy?
Many people are trying to recover from negative, or lack of credit history, from events like Bankruptcy, foreclosure, and divorce. Almost everything in the credit industry, that is, qualifying for home loans and car loans, is geared towards people who “have” lots of credit. That
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5 Bills to Be Sure to Pay if You Run Short of Money Each Month
Sometimes, when I see people, they are already in “survival mode”. They have cut all of the unnecessary expenses, such as landline phone, cable TV, newspaper subscriptions, etc. But, when your hours are cut, or you have extreme medical bills, or are laid off, you
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